Sunday, January 4, 2015

Thanksgiving Weekend

 Hey guys, so Thanksgiving weekend was great. I have to say this was one of the nicest Thanksgiving holidays I've ever had. There were multiple family dinners, lots of family time, a lot of family talks and laughs.  We talked about my mom's eating habits when she was young and it was the funniest thing ever, my sister and I were rolling on the floor laughing
And I even went shopping! Yes I know, I know. I hate shopping, I made a rant about not liking to shop especially not Black Friday Shopping. But we did go. I ended up separating from my family and going off on my own because I'm actually faster by myself. I went to every single corner of the mall and went into all the non-brand name stores. Ended up with two sweaters. In reality I went on a Christmas Sweater hunt and got barely close to it. Does this count?

But I also found out that I might have to be alone the week leading up to starting school in January. I think I might just go to Disneyland. My winter break between Fall and Winter quarter is only two weeks long and my parents and sister decide to go to Denmark without me. I'm going to be in my house by myself yay

Here are my links:

Youtube - Cattyliu816 - subscribe to see when I upload videos
Twitter - Cattyliu816 - follow me to see when I update or just to read my thoughts
Cat's Disney Obsession Blog - I really love all things Disney
Summary of Things Blog - see just about how many things I watch
Tigger Adventures Instagram - my Tigger toy loves going on Disney adventures with me
Personal Instagram - Just a bunch of selfies (not really) and Disney things
Facebook Page - I post blog updates and random links I find online (check this last)

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